Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Death Comes to the Arch-Enemy

Got ya! I bet you wondered exactly what was inside this book, didn't you? And I bet you really wished you could open it. Well, enough of being facetious. Let's get straight to the point.

Oh Willa Cather, I can rest assured, if you had taken this class, your book would have taken an entirely different turn. Today, I successfully completed the GRE prep class. Notice, I just said prep class. Taking the actual GRE will be an entirely separate feat. I am expecting adulation and accolades from all after that accomplishment.

Though ephemeral, this class has been anything but emollient. If you don't believe me, try sitting for four hours of lecture after a long day of other classes. Sitting, gazing around the room at 30 other vacuous expressions is anything but stimulating for my brain. After the first hour, I enter a comatose state. And this is supposed to assuage my GRE fears??? What is this chicanery??

This is what I feel like in there. And it's possible I look like this too. I pinch myself every so often to make sure I don't slip off into nothingness.

Little did you know, GRE actually stands for Arduous, onerous, and odious. But despite my qualms, it has made me urbane. And no, urbane is not synonymous with cyclops. Though after all I've been through with GRE prep course, I'm quite surprised I'm still in one piece, both eyes still intact.


  1. Lauren, good luck with your GRE! And nice vocab skills.

  2. What a word maven you are. Whoever would have guessed the prep course would turn you into a logophile :)
    You must have accrued something of substance, just reading this jargon has persuaded me of that! Perhaps if the GRE does not go well, you should consider becoming a lexicographer.

  3. Your vocabulary skills are awesome. I felt as if I were reading from The New Yorker or Vanity Fair. Wow, so many big words in such a little space. You constantly amaze me! And I wasn't bored once when I was reading your blog. (I do love your little picture of yourself.)


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