Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Congratulations! I did it.

Did what? Tell me pleeease? Whaaat?

I can just hear you screaming with anticipation. What could possibly warrant a "congratulations, I did it"?? Well, besides the fact that the Dean put me on his list, it IS senior year of BYU and ALL my life I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself. These past few years I've morphed into a tumble weed, blowing here, there, a bit of everywhere. But at long last, I've figured out my calling in life. My path paved in gold. It's a wonder I never noticed it before. And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. Lights, camera, drum roll.

Designated Dish Washer.
(Imagine the words flashing across the screen, with fireworks exploding in the background. Glitzy, gaudy, glamourous.)

I prefer the title, Dazzling, Debonair, Dangerously, Delicious, Dishwashing Damsel. However, I can see how that might be a tongue twister for some people so I'll settle for D. D.

I brush, I scrub. Then polish and shine. It's an art, a talent and I've got the flair. The glassware and me, there's chemistry there.
Let's not forget, my on the job cronies. I wouldn't even have a job if they didn't keep my sinks full.
First there's Kenny who was quite the casanova before settling down. He's got a passion for fashion and video games too.
Next comes Zed, the go to guy. The lab's very own Sage of Ochem. And comical to boot.
Link is the Lady Gaga Lover, Al has more helpers than he knows what to do with, Mary is marvelous and the others are too. Life in the lab is never a bore, each day is full of surprises. Who knows, maybe even a scandal or two.

Here I am in my spiffy lab coat and pricy eyeware. Fancy dishwashing gloves make the outfit complete!

Give me a beaker, you'll get back a diamond. No really, I'm that good.


  1. Congratulations, I'm glad you like your job. And the likeness between you and Dexter is quite stunning really

  2. I'm glad you are so taken with the lab life, I'll admit, it is quite nice.

    I told you to proudly tell that boy you were the lab dishwasher and look at you-you've managed to spiff up the title to hitherto unknown heights! I can even imagine you yelling "Mad-deee, stay out of my lab!".
    As far as drama goes, you've got more interesting things happening upstairs. The third floor is getting to be downright boring-I seriously need some new laggies.

    PS: you are quite the rhymer, at this rate, you'll likely be the go to evite-sender very soon.

  3. I cannot believe how clever you are. You might consider a job as a writer if you tire of the dazzling dishwasher occupation.


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