Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Er ist verruckt (and I mean that in a good way)

What do you get when you mix Willy Wonka and Dr. Seuss?

Friedensriech Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser. If you got that one, you've won me over for life.

I don't have much time but what's a blog about Wien without mention of Hundertwasser? Hundertwasser, the Austrian Anomaly. And famous to boot. Words fitting to describe this man: whimsical. fantastical. magical. crazy. looney. hipster. earthy. eccentric. funky. wonky. quirky. unconvential. oddball. exciting. You catch my drift. Strange yet spectacular, Hundertwasser was the master of his realm (though I'm not certain there was anyone else in it). I mean, what kind of man changes his name from Friedrich Stowasser to Peaceful Rainy Day Multi-colored Hundred-Water? When I visited the Hundertwasser Haus and the Kunst Haus Wien, I felt like I was walking into a Dr. Seuss book. The backwards waterfall, curvy stairs, slanded floors. What more can I say? Ich liebe Hundertwasser. Er ist ausgezeichnet!


  1. Wow, that looks really interesting!

  2. Love the name he chose. His house looks crazy, but I do like his philosophy about individuality in housing.

  3. I cannot believe you did not take me here!!!! I think I would love the man, I love the name Rain, thinking of naming one of my future children after him in fact.
    I agree on the housing philosophy-anything you can reach, you can paint as you like, it gives so much life to the place.

    I wish he had built houses in Utah, I would move into his complex for sure :)


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