Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Vati and the Earl of Pleasure

Remember once upon a time how we went with Larry to pick up his swing set (did that ever get all the way up?) ? Well, on the drive home we listened to several Eagles songs and I commented on how their song lyrics are utterly poetic, deep and profound. If you don't believe me, read the lyrics yourselves. Man's search for meaning; right there in those songs. When the going gets tough, turn up the Eagles. Anyway, you two, V and EP, were giggling and thinking I was absurd when I said this. I just wanted to tell you that today in Sacrament meeting the first counselor in the bishopric referenced three Eagles songs in his testimony. Desperado, Hotel California, and Take it to the Limit. So there you have it. Life is written in those lyrics.

PS: this post is also for Betsy because she never understands when I say a song has fantastic lyrics. Instead of ogres and onions, it's music and cadbury eggs. You've got to get down to the nitty gritty to experience the full burst of flavor.

Speaking of music, this is the song we danced the night away to on Freitag. I'm already a huge fan of Indian music, now I've got to add German to my list of easy listening.


  1. I'm liking this band! They look a bit like pirates with their do-rags and all. Don't see that very often!

  2. I have always loved Desperado and have always wanted some reason to quote it in church. I can't wait for my next talk. I also love that God is Watching us song and would like to quote it. So now I know I can! I, too, often find deep meaning in lyrics to songs, and then I remember that most songwriters are just trying to make their verses rhyme so maybe they are not such deep thinkers. loved the German music, the accordion is a nice touch.

  3. Yes, Larry has completed the swing set and it is completely installed. They even have some wood chips as a base in their play area. It is really nice. I remember you talking about these songs and now I will have to look up the lyrics. I even have to give a talk in church in a couple of weeks and who knows maybe i will . . . Do you think that you can become a dancer for this group?

  4. Loved the band, although I also found their clothing a bit interesting. According to the video, they seem to have quite the following, although their fan base was a little interesting (particularly the women dressed in traditional Austrian costumes). It seems that wearing traditional costumes has come up quite a bit on your blog so far. Is this a common everyday occurrence? Too bad, we don't really have a cool traditional costume to wear here. One other thing -- we are all dying to know the meaning behind the name of your blog mtp33??

  5. I forgot to mention that I loved the back-up dancers as well!

  6. First off, please don't mention my name, I prefer to remain anonymous
    Second-you know perfectly well the types of songs you generally think are poetic (when in fact they are bizarre) are not the Eagles but are those weird Indy (I guess) ones. I would only agree that when the going gets tough, one ought to turn up the Eagles. I often find myself thinking of the lyrics to Hotel California-the line "my sight grew dim" is like the story of my life.
    I liked the music vid-is traditional garb really the rage with the teen scene?
    speaking of pop songs in church, you know how Dad always loves Breathe of Heaven and Mom really hates it :)
    Finally, I do not understand the thing about Cadburry eggs-the chocolate is famous for being smooth, quite the opposite of nitty gritty in fact. And it has nothing in common with either ogres or onions, unless you are making a connection between the roundness of Cadburry eggs or something??

  7. B- shrek makes the analogy, orgres and onions. So music and cadburry eggs, the best part is the creamy center. I could eat 10 of those in an hour.

    E-Yes I'd like to become a backup dancer. This might be my Christmas talent show treat. Dance and outfit.

    Everyone knows the title of my blog if you think about it. It's too scandalous to divulge to the public. Ask the Earl of Pleasure or Betsy. Think nicknames. What can I say, I had no other ideas.

  8. Yes, the swing set is finally finished! It has been a very long project but it looks great. I am very excited for this year's Christmas talent show!

  9. I'm surprised Krista even commented on this post in light of her deep-seated hatred of the Eagles' music. Think I'm joking? Just ask her some time and watch as her face turns red, her nostrils flare, and she starts sputtering obscenities.

    Yes, the swing set is completed.


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