Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ralphie's Night at the Rathaus

Sweating to death in my room sure cramps my style. My brain's turned to Nudel mit Gemuse. I'm at a loss for words. Here are some fancy churches I saw this week.



What I do every night-

Rathaus Film Festival. Pure genius. Why can't Salt Lake think of something like this? I've been considering petitioning BYU to buy a screen like this. Imagine the possibilities. And everyone would have me to thank. The Rathaus is hopping every night. And the crazy cool thing is, they only show ballets, operas, symphonies, and other music concerts. Last night I ran into two Austrian boys (Clang, clang, clang went the trolley) from the LDS institute. They mentioned how they didn't know of any famous Lauren's-don't ask me how this came up, I was in a daze of sorts- and I said, "Well Ralph Lauren of course." They promptly insisted on calling me Ralph. Boys are such a mystery. I will never understand what goes on in their tiny little minds.
Anyway, Ralph (me) didn't stay long last night. The opera was madness. I know I claimed maturity and appreciation for culture but this was out of my league. A eerie modern rendition of Fidelio. Of course, it didn't help that everything was in German. All I saw was lots of creepers slithering on stage in torn and bloody clothes while the main woman, I'm assuming, took off her shirt to reveal a black brassiere and then proceeded to wrap medical bandages around her body. Then the spotlight hit what looked like a mix of Edward Scissor Hands and Bill Nye. In pj's and frizzy hair, he scurried madly around the set. Gute Nacht (goodnight) it was for me.

Ich liebe wien!!


  1. The churches are beautiful! I especially love the first one. The opera sounds quite bizarre.

  2. Hmm. The opera sounds just a bit too modern for my tastes, but I did love the modern Shakespeare we saw in Stratford-on-Avon. You are becoming quite cultured, I must say. What denomination are these churches. They are very beautiful, but some of them seem Byzantine to me. (which doesn't make sense)
    Ralphie is a cute little moniker for you. Isn't that the little brother on The Christmas Story? I love it when he is eating like a pig. You have mentioned pigs several times in your blogs. Yes, Ralphie is quite right for you.
    I love how you are sprinkling little German phrases in your posts. Should we take that to mean you are becoming proficient in the language? That will be so helpful when we are on our own in Austria! I do love the idea of the huge outdoor screen. It is so crazy to think that it is showing opera, ballet, and concerts. These peeps are very cultured, I must say. I hope we can catch some when we are there.

  3. Fred said...
    interesting how these churches are named Karl's church and Peter's church. Are you going to Kirche tomorrow? das ist ein guter Witz meine Gute!-- Guten Nacht

  4. M- what is a moniker? I can't remember mentioning a lot of pigs, I'll have to go back and look.

    D-I like how you are telling jokes in German.

  5. The Rathaus film festival sounds fabulous. That is one of the reasons I have always thought it would be fun to live in a big city. I have always wanted to go to the movies in Central Park or someplace similar. I do agree that modern interpretations can often be a bit bizarre. It sounds like your German is coming right along. You are also inspiring others in our family to pick up some German phrases. Before long, we may all be throwing a few German phases into our comments!

  6. I love that Dad is getting into the German scene! I'm going to have to look up what he has said.

    There are some other famous Laurens-for example Lauren Bergamo was 1999 Miss Conneticut.

    Who in the world is Karl? The only Karl I know is the one Maddie always talks about who loves llamas.

    Moniker is a nickname. I'm going to call you Ralphie from now on since you love pigs so much.

    When I think of modern stuff I think of Stratford and all the horror of the parking garage. However, when I saw the cool Bill Nye guy, I was way intrigued! And how can you not love Edward S hands?!?

    Ha ha sounds like you are a w-magnet even in Germany :)

    Viel gluck morgen mit dem bus!


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