Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear Mr. Bloom

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." It's been years since we first met. I stumbled upon these few gems while rummaging around in my computer labyrinth.

Thank goodness I'm not as eccentric when I dress to impress these days.


  1. I remember those days. You were such a funny little person in your elfish getup. The long hair worked for Legolas. Perhaps you should keep yours.

  2. Oh, the good old days when you could dress up like Legolas and take photos in the woods.

  3. I remember these very funny pictures. I especially like you how you look so serious in them.

  4. Those were the days. I figured I might as well show them to the world. Then there's no fear of black mail.

  5. those were the days...I think I took these like a few months ago :)
    I must say, we did go all out, with the leather arrow case and even the rollerblading wrist guards.
    Though you have moved on to dressing up as other things (such as a pill) but I will always enjoy reminiscing about the days when you loved (which is not quite a strong enough word) Bloom/Legolas.


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